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What sets us apart? Our tests are designed around a standard - not competition between dogs. In testing environments, real birds are used and we are the only hunt testing venue that allows the handler "hands on" use of a 12 gauge shotgun during the test. It's the people and dogs that make Hunting Retriever Club Inc. (HRC) the best, fastest growing hunting retriever training and testing organization available.
A typical hunt test will be a one day event that is divided into two series of evaluations; these are called the land series and the water series. In each series the dogs are evaluated for their; natural retrieving desire, memory and marking ability and obedience to their handlers commands.
There are four levels of testing where dogs earn points toward these specific titles. Each of these tests are of increasing difficulty and require increasing refinement in skill levels that a hunting retriever must demonstrate while under judgment. The first three test levels are the Started, Seasoned and Finished tests which are offered by regional HRC clubs. The final, and most difficult level of test is called the "Grand", and is held twice a year by the HRC Inc. All dogs that have previously earned the title of HRCH may be tested for the GRHRC title at the "Grand". These titles, once earned, are used as a prefix to the dogs registered name in the UKC.
There is also an Upland Hunter (UH) title awarded to dogs that pass separate and distinct upland hunting tests.
The HRC hunt tests try to simulate as closely as possible actual hunting situations where the dogs are tested at realistic hunting ranges. Handlers wear appropriate hunting attire, and are required to demonstrate safe gun handling practices while handling and firing a shotgun loaded with blanks called poppers. Bird throwers, known as "Bird Boys", are hidden from view of the dog(s) under test.
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